Is the Aviation Business Right for You?





There are many reasons why people become involved in the aviation business. Some do it for the love of flying, some for the challenge, and others for the opportunity to work in a unique and exciting industry. Whatever your reason, there are a few things you should consider before making the plunge into the aviation business.




The first thing you need to ask yourself is whether or not you have a passion for flying. If you don’t love flying, then the aviation business is probably not right for you. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to making a successful career in aviation, and if you’re not passionate about it, it will be very difficult to succeed.




Another important factor to consider is whether or not you have the right skills and qualifications for the job. There are many different roles in the aviation industry, and you must have the right skills and qualifications for the one you’re interested in. For example, if you want to be a pilot, you’ll need to have a commercial pilot’s license. If you’re interested in working in air traffic control, you’ll need to have a degree in aviation or a related field.




Finally, you need to ask yourself if you’re prepared to commit to the aviation business. It’s a demanding industry, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to succeed. If you’re not ready to make that commitment, then it’s probably not the right industry for you.

How Do Pilots Handle Stress?

Pilots are often thought of as having a glamorous and exciting jobs. But the reality is that flying a plane can be stressful. There are many things that pilots have to worry about, from weather conditions to mechanical problems. And, of course, there is always the risk of crashing.

So how do pilots deal with all this stress?

They are Highly Experienced

Well, first of all, they are highly trained professionals. They have years of experience and know exactly what to do in any given situation. This experience helps them to remain calm under pressure.

They Rely on the Help of Others

Secondly, pilots have a very strong support network. They work closely with air traffic controllers, cabin crew, and ground staff. And they have a captain who they can turn to for help and advice.

Practicing Mindfulness and Stress Management Can Help

And finally, pilots use certain techniques to reduce stress levels. They might listen to calming music or meditate in their private areas. Or they might just take the time to relax with friends and family after a busy flight.

In short, although being a pilot is a stressful job, there are ways to deal with the stress. And most pilots wouldn’t have it any other way.

What is a Career as an Aircraft Dispatcher Like?

If you’re thinking about a career as an aircraft dispatcher, you might be wondering what it’s like to do the job. Well, dispatchers are responsible for making sure that flights depart and arrive on time, and they work with airlines, airports, and other agencies to make sure everything goes smoothly. They also handle any emergencies that may come up.

Necessary Skills

Dispatchers need to have strong organizational skills, as well as good communication and problem-solving skills. They should be able to work under pressure and make quick decisions. It’s also important to be able to stay calm in stressful situations.

Education and Training–FAA Certification

Most aircraft dispatcher jobs require a minimum of a high school diploma, and some employers may prefer candidates with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. To become certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), dispatchers must complete a training program and pass an exam.

It’s a challenging job, but it can also be very rewarding. Dispatchers must have excellent problem-solving skills, and they need to be able to stay calm under pressure. They also need to be able to work well with others, and they must have a good understanding of aviation regulations.

If you’re interested in becoming an aircraft dispatcher, learn more about our aircraft dispatcher program.

Aviation Industry Pushing For Pilot Hires

The aviation industry faced one of its biggest crises due to the pandemic. However, as many of us return to “normal” lives, the industry is yet again facing another major dilemma: a lack of pilots. But why is there such a high demand for pilots?

Many Pilots Have Retired

The mandatory retirement age for pilots is 65. Many pilots retired early in 2020, but there was also a rise in buyouts due to the pandemic. Now that many major airlines are operating at levels similar to the pre-pandemic era.

Getting New Pilots Is Not Instant

Average pilot training can range between 18-24 months. Carriers have to make sure their new pilots have properly trained ahead of new aircraft, which are often ordered years in advance.

Cancellations Will Likely Rise

This past summer saw many flight delays and cancellations due to a shortage of pilots and airline workers. This may likely be the case for the coming holiday seasons as there is still a massive demand for pilots. However, the future is looking better for the airline and aviation industry, with many airlines and major carriers pushing investments for new pilot training.

What Careers Does the Aviation Management Industry Offer?

When it comes to the aviation industry, there are many more types of jobs that people don’t realize exist. Many future airline professionals imagine all the work is done in the cockpit, however, there exists another crucial role, and that is aviation management. Aviation management involved the daily operations of an airline, airplane manufacturer, and airport. Unlike a flight attendant, professionals working in this field don’t typically board a plane. Aviation management is a mix of business management, marketing, and knowing aviation law. That’s why having an education in aviation management is necessary for getting the job.

Types of Jobs in the Aviation Management Industry

There are many different paths one could take with a background in aviation management. Here are the most common.

Airport Operations

An airport operations manager is responsible for ensuring all operations at an airport run smoothly. From facility and equipment maintenance to enforcing state and federal laws, this position is the key to making the airport function on a day-to-day basis. You will also be responsible for managing security procedures and installing any necessary changes in technology.

Airline Station Manager

Similar to an airport operations manager, an airline station manager’s job is to ensure the day-to-day operations are running smoothly. However, rather than working for a direct airport, they work for an airline. The role of an airline station manager is to manage the operation staff and station budget. They may also oversee the cargo operations, aircraft maintenance, passenger ticketing, and scheduling flights.

Security Management

You can also go down a security route. Airports have some of the most rigid security out of any consumer-facing industry. An airport security manager would help manage and develop security protocols, as well as emergency measures. They also are in charge of maintaining security equipment, including airport surveillance.

Airport Planner

Airport planners have a more creative role than the other positions mentioned above. Their job is to design plans that interest customers. They collect passenger data to influence the plans they create. If an airport’s traffic increases over time, they may need to work on changes to offer more amenities or hold more people. This job can be a bit more complex than the operation management positions, as it requires a bit more marketing and planning knowledge.

What is the English Phonetic Alphabet?

Airline attendants are immersed in a brand new world of language that cannot be avoided. The standard aviation language around the globe is English, however, it is not the same as you speak every day. The global aviation language uses the English Phonetic Alphabet, and it is used commonly by those who fly frequently.

The English Phonetic Alphabet might seem incredibly strange and complex at first. However, to become a successful flight attendant, you will need to be fully immersed in it.

Why Airlines Use the Phonetic Alphabet

The airline industry expands globally. This means, in one day, you can cross dozens of countries and interact with local air traffic controllers and pilots whose native tongue is not the same as yours. They will have accents and dialects that can make for an incredibly difficult mode of communication.

To prevent miscommunication and avoid confusion, the airline industry communicates with a system known and the Phonetic Alphabet.

What is the Phonetic Alphabet?

The Phonetic alphabet was developed during the middle of the 1900s for soldiers to effectively articulate messages to other soldiers over the radio. Because there were incredibly poor reception and lots of battle noises, it could lead to misunderstandings.

The phonetic alphabet sounds like a word that begins with the letter that you want to speak. In normal English, C, D, B, E can end up sounding like the same letter. This can create miscommunication, and in the aviation industry, this can lead to costly mistakes. In the phonetic alphabet, for example, each letter has a different characteristic that allows for it to be correctly identified. Instead of C sounding “see” or D as “dee”, they are ‘Charlie’ and ‘Delta’. Here is the entirety of the phonetic alphabet:

A – Alpha, B – Bravo, C – Charlie, D – Delta, E – Echo, F – Foxtrot, G – Golf, H – Hotel, I – India, J – Juliet, K – Kilo, L – Lima, M – Mike, N – November, O – Oscar, P – Papa, Q – Quebec, R – Romeo, S – Sierra, T – Tango, U – Uniform, V – Victor, W – Whiskey, – X-ray, Y – Yankee, Z – Zulu

Flight Attendants will perform better once they know the phonetic alphabet, as it will be heard frequently on the job. While it might be intimidating, it will quickly creep into your daily life at work, and you will understand it in no time. Practice makes perfect!

The Most Essential Tips a Student Pilot Should Follow

Flight training is a complex process. There is a lot of thinking and managing that goes into operating a plane. But for those who take on the exciting challenge of becoming a student pilot will enter an extraordinary period in their lives.

No matter what stage you’re at, there’s always some great tips to follow. Being a pilot does require some technical and specific knowledge, but there are also many “soft skills” (ones that aren’t explicitly taught) that are highly beneficial for student pilots to have. Here are the top tips every student pilot should follow.

Pay Attention to the Radio

One of the pilot’s most important tasks is communicating with Air Traffic Control (ATC). When student pilots start, they often solely focus on aviating, staying on schedule, and focusing on safe takeoffs and lands. Because of this, ATC etiquette tends to fall by the wayside.

Communication is Key

Since there is a lot to concentrate on, some student pilots will find it difficult to catch up on speaking with controllers in towers. But pilots at every stage should make sure they are paying attention to the radio. Communication is what keeps everyone on the plane safe. And because Air Traffic controllers are typically busy, knowing what they are saying and how to communicate to them is crucial for becoming a good pilot.

The best way to practice is by studying the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Aeronautical Information Manual. This will teach you the aviation radio language.

Be Patient

Flying requires you to process a lot of information while putting it into action. It is a demanding job, requiring you to put the effort into studying and concentrating on the practice. You must know what you are doing. There’s no shame in letting you know you are confused over certain aspects of flying, so let your instructor know! You’re here to learn, and they know that. This is why you need to be patient. You’re not going to perfect your ability overnight.

Know That Most of the Work Isn’t in the Air

Immersive flight training is going to give you most of your experience with actually flying a plane, but most of your work will be done on the ground–not in the air. You need to be studious and learn as much as you can before you take it to the sky.

Aside from your education and training, much of the pilot’s job continues outside of the plane. They regularly look at the weather, check the plane, become familiar with the upcoming flights, including examining the airspace that will be involved during the next flight. Pilots are always learning and learning, so if you’re always wanting to learn something new, flying is for you!

As a student pilot, there’s nothing more exciting than getting in the cockpit for the first time. While it will be enticing, it can also be a bit overwhelming. Make sure to follow these tips to be prepared for successful training!

What Does a Commercial Airline Pilot Do?

Most people picture a commercial airline pilot sitting in a large cockpit of a giant plane that travels to depths of every corner of the world. However, not every licensed commercial pilot works for a large airline company. Some end up doing small group flights for tours, and others might end up staying in their local regions, performing short commuter flights.

All commercial pilots undergo thousands upon thousands of hours of training to operate a passenger-carrying aircraft. There are many safety procedures they must know, as flying a plane requires incredible knowledge. Pilots are responsible for the safe landing of cargo, passengers, and the aircraft itself. A decisive individual with strong communication skills is a must, as there are times where a pilot’s judgment is crucial to a safe flight, i.e., maneuvering severe weather conditions.

Ensuring a safe flight starts before the pilot steps foot in the aircraft. They must check a maintenance log to verify the craft is operating smoothly. The next step is to check weather information. Lastly, a pilot goes over the flight plan, and then the fuel plan. Communication skills are a must for a pilot, as much of the job requires secure communication.

Commercial airline pilots do not have a fixed schedule. Airlines are always operating 24/7, and it is often typical for pilots to work on holidays. A standard workday may include multiple smaller flights or one long flight. Downtime and days off depending on the type of trip and sector of work the pilot works. A pilot who works for a large airline will likely have a few days off in between oversea flights. This gives the pilot a fantastic opportunity to explore the world. The tradeoff, however, could be experiences of jet lag.

The career path for a pilot starts with training and certification. Once they have passed the exams and received training, they will typically begin to fly smaller aircraft. As they progress through their profession and become a pilot, they will move to fly large airplanes. Senior pilots may even end up having control over their flight destinations and schedules as well!

Being a pilot has many benefits, but it is a rigorous job. With that comes a lot of responsibility. However, if you have a passion for flying or travel, you should seriously consider getting a career in the flight industry as a pilot. Flying is a privilege and being able to experience the world as a part of your job is very rewarding.

What is the Role of an Aircraft Dispatcher?

A career in the airline industry can be exciting, fulfilling, and challenging. You do not have to be a pilot, of course, to experience these benefits. There are jobs in the airline industry that require a lot of responsibility. An aircraft dispatcher is one of those jobs. The dispatcher plays a vital role in helping planes safely travel from one location to another. Read on to learn about the primary responsibilities of an aircraft dispatcher.

Safety Evaluation

Perhaps the most important task of aircraft dispatchers is to make sure that an airliner operating as safely as possible. These professionals will monitor on the weather before and airliner’s departure, during its arrival, and along the route. They monitor the plane for any malfunctions or mechanical issues. No plane can take off without the dispatcher’s permission, and a dispatcher can cancel any flight if they feel doing so is warranted.

Check on the Crew

The dispatcher ensures that every crew member on a plane has all of their qualifications up-to-date to work on that flight. They can review the crew’s rest practices to ensure all crew members have had enough “downtime” in between flights before taking off.


Planning the most efficient route is part of a dispatcher’s job. He or she will calculate fuel consumption. They will consider safety when planning the route and will make sure the plane can land safely.

Flight Monitoring

The pilot and the dispatcher will both monitor the weather to evaluate whether conditions are safe for flying. When the plane is in the air, the dispatcher will continue to monitor and relay that information to the pilot. If there is weather approaching that might pose a threat, the pilot and dispatcher will together determine how to land the plane safely.


The Federal Aviation Administration has set limits to ensure that dispatchers are not overworked. In addition, a dispatcher has the opportunity to work one-on-one with many industry professionals and has a range of responsibilities. There is never a dull day, and the environment is fast-paced and exciting.

If a career in the airline industry is something that you find appealing, working as an aircraft dispatcher might be the perfect fit. To learn how to become an aircraft dispatcher, contact Academy College by visiting our Bloomington location, contacting us online or by calling 952-851-0066.

How do Pilots Address Stormy Weather?

Airlines almost always cancel their flights when a hurricane is approaching. This fact is confirmed by the number of airlines calling off their flights during the major weather events in 2017, such as Hurricanes Irma and Harvey.

When weaker – but still severe – storms target an airport and its surrounding area, most airlines will postpone a takeoff or landing until the most serious part of a storm has passed. If there is a storm cell in the flight path, airlines may reroute the flight in order to prevent turbulence.

It is important to understand that although airlines and pilots take measures to avoid weather that produces strong wind and rain, avoiding harsh weather altogether is not always necessary. Depending on the skills of the pilots and the severity of the weather, it is generally safe to fly during storms because modern airliners are designed to withstand a considerable amount of wind, rain and lightning.v

When windy or stormy conditions are present, what strategies do pilots use to take off and land safely?

Commercial airliners are not completely resistant to wind. These airplanes possess a large surface area. They have a large fin near their tail end that can tilt the aircraft, which could result in significant problems.

During harsh weather, pilots will determine what control inputs they will require during takeoff. The crosswind might attempt to “lift” a wing and force the aircraft to move away from the runway heading. Preventing this situation is usually achieved by using the rudder input to keep the plane from rolling.

Landing in windy conditions can be a difficult. Autopilots cannot always contend with powerful crosswinds, so in these situations the landings are performed manually. Depending on what aircraft is being flown, there are a few strategies that might be used. A pilot’s goal is to prevent the wind from pushing the aircraft off the center of the runway.

Do you have questions about aviation or have an interest in working in the aviation industry? Contact Academy College now online or by calling 952-851-0066.